Minecraft’s best bug yet?

Minecraft is buzzing

Each area that bees improve offer countless gameplay opportunities, from sticky surfaces (handy!) to flourishing farms (tasty!). Hives can be harvested for honey, and honey becomes sugar. In Minecraft, as in real life, everything is connected in one harmonious cycle. And in both worlds, it all starts with the bees!

Bee flying over water

Bee friendly

Given how much bees do for us, it’s up to us to do something for them! In honor of these honey-making heroes, Mojang and World Wildlife Fund have teamed up to help save the bees—but we still need your help!

Bees flying around their hives

You’ve Filled the Honey Bottle!

Fantastic! Thanks to your efforts, the honey bottle is now full. 50,000,000 bottles in 72 hours! To learn more about why bees are important IRL, we’ve included some tips based on info from our partner, World Wildlife Fund.

Now you can get "Way of the Bee,” a free map by Razzleberries. Have a sweet time playing and help the bees! 

Full filled honey bottle surprise
Three bees around a tree

Busy bees

Did you know that the bee is one of the hardest working farmers in the world? More than three quarters of the world’s food crops are partially dependent on pollinators like bees! Without their hard work, our world would be a less flavorful and diverse place.

Alex by a bee hive

Bee diverse

Just like humans, bees thrive on diversity! They need a wide variety of flowers to collect pollen from—and the more flowers, the better! As bees buzz from bloom to bloom, they pollinate and create a better and more beautiful world for all of us. But bees, and native bees most of all, are in danger of steep decline.

Bees t-shirts

Sweet stuff

Minecraft has teamed up with WWF on items with Minecraft-themed designs! All net proceeds from the sales of these items go towards funding WWF’s conservation efforts, including those to protect bees and their habitats.

Learn More
Bee costume

Be a bee

With the bees’ arrival in Minecraft, you can also dress up like a bumblebee in the game! The Bumble Bee costume is available in the Character Creator, and all net proceeds from sale of the costume go to WWF.


More un-bee-lievable news
