Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 8: Analyzing Performance
November 7, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
You’ve made it to the end of my series on influencer marketing. To date, I've defined influencer marketing and addressed why merchants should use it. I've explained how to set goals, how to pick the right channels, and more. In this final, "Part 8" installment, I'll describe a process to analyze performance.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 7: Your First Campaign
October 13, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
You've hired your first influencer and have received a draft of her initial promotion, a review of your product for her social media followers. This is "Part 7" of my influencer marketing series.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing Part 6: Pitching
September 15, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
Prospective influencers likely know little about your company or its products. They're not necessarily interested in promoting. You have to pitch them. Welcome to "Part 6" of my influencer marketing series.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 5: Choosing Influencers
August 16, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
Choosing an influencer is everything. The right spokesperson can yield big profits. The wrong one can bring disaster. This post is "Part 5" in my influencer marketing series. I've covered what it is, why to use it, setting goals, and picking the right channel. Now it is time to choose influencers.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 4: Choosing Social Networks
July 27, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
Social networks are the primary channels of influencer marketing campaigns. Knowing who you're trying to influence is the first step in choosing the network.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 3: Setting Goals
June 17, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
Now that you know what influencer marketing is and why you as an ecommerce brand should use it, the next step is to create campaign goals before spending your hard-earned budget. The ultimate marketing goal of ecommerce brands is, presumably, acquiring profitable customers. But there are many ways to do that.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 2: Why Use It?
May 24, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
This is the second installment in my influencer marketing series. In "Part 1," I established what influencer marketing is. In this "Part 2" post, I'll address why ecommerce businesses should consider it.
Influencers & Affiliates
Influencer Marketing, Part 1: What Is It?
May 9, 2021 • Joe Sinkwitz
What do Kim Kardashian, Armando Roggio, and your neighbor have in common? They're all influencers. Influencer marketing is the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth promotion. Within ecommerce, we can segment influencers into three categories: celebrities, authorities, and peers.