Content Marketing

5 Content Marketing Ideas for June 2016

Mystery-theme listicles are one of many content marketing ideas for June 2016.

Mystery-theme listicles are one of many content marketing ideas for June 2016.

Content marketers can often run short of ideas and inspiration. What should you write about? What should you post about? What can you make a video about? In June 2016, however, there are many possibilities, including holidays, summertime activities, Olympic Team Trials, or an exciting mystery.

Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and distributing content with the particular aim of attracting, engaging, and keeping customers. Really, it is simple. Give potential customers something of value, and they are likely to reciprocate with a purchase. Here are five content marketing ideas for June 2016 that might just work for your business.

1. Celebrate a Holiday That You Didn’t Know Was a Holiday


It turns out there is a pretty low bar for “holidays.” Sure, if you wanted to create an official national holiday, there is quite a bit of work to be done. In the United States, for example, it would take an act of Congress.

However, if you’re not too particular about official status, any organization, company, or special interest group can create a “day.” Those same folks can even call it the “National Insert Topic Here Day,” and go unchallenged.

For content marketers, holidays, even made up ones, can be a rich source of material. You can write how-to articles around holidays. You can write informative posts about a holiday’s origin or implications. You can produce content about how your products relate to holidays. There is the opportunity for satire. In fact, there is almost no end to the “holiday” possibilities.

In June, consider writing about or producing a video around a relatively unknown holiday that can in some way be connected to your business. Here are a few suggestions from just the first six days of the month.

  • June 1: National Heimlich Maneuver Day; National Flip a Coin Day; National Say Something Nice Day; and National Running Day.
  • June 2: National Rocky Road Day (as in the ice cream flavor); National Bubba Day; and National Leave the Office Early Day.
  • June 3: National Repeat Day; National Doughnut Day; and Fish and Chip Day.
  • June 4: Applesauce Cake Day; Hug Your Cat Day; Tailors’ Day; Old Maid’s Day; and National Trails Day.
  • June 5: World Environment Day; Cancer Survivors’ Day; and Hot Air Balloon Day.
  • June 6: Gardening Exercise Day; National Yo-Yo Day; Thank God It’s Monday Day; and Drive-in Movie Day.

2. Father’s Day: June 19, 2016

A father and son share time in the kayak (near the shore).

A father and son share time in the kayak (near the shore).

Meant to honor dads for both the positive impact they can have on their children and for the sacrifices they make for their families, Father’s Day can be a good way to connect with customers.

In the United States, Father’s Day became a permanent national holiday in 1972, but it was six years earlier, in 1966, that President Lyndon B. Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers and establishing Father’s Day as the third Sunday in June. This year is the 50th anniversary of that proclamation.

Interestingly, one of the reasons that Father’s Day took so long to become a holiday was that some lawmakers feared it would be commercialized. With this in mind, let your Father’s Day content focus on building relationships with your customers more than on sales.

Here are some posts from other publications to help set the tone.

3. Summertime How-to

A do-it-yourself article about tea-towel table runners might be just the right summertime content.

A do-it-yourself article about tea-towel table runners might be just the right summertime content.

Seasonal changes often bring content marketing opportunities. This summer, your customers will probably change their routines, take on different activities, and try to complete different tasks. So why not offer how-to content that helps?

Here are a few examples.

  • Gardening retailer: “How to Help Your Roses Flourish This Summer”
  • Home improvement retailer: “Design the Perfect Backyard Lighting for a Summer Party”
  • Craft retailer: “DIY Tea-towel Table Runners on a Budget”
  • Fishing retailer: “The Secret of Summer Fly Tying”

4. U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials

The U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials begin on June 26, 2016.

The U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials begin on June 26, 2016.

Note: Since I wrote this article, the International Olympic Committee and the United States Olympic Committee have attempted to restrict all use of Olympic words, phrases, and emblems on social media and, possibly, in content. Given this change, I no longer recommend using the Olympics in your content marketing.

It is an Olympic year. Over the next few months, do not be surprised if the Olympic spirit becomes contagious. In August, the Summer Olympic Games will be one of the most watched, most talked about, and most searched topics.

Many fans will search for every bit of information about the participating athletes. So try to include the Olympics in your content marketing coverage.

For example, the U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials will begin on June 26. Consider finding a unique way to connect your business to the trials. Do remember, however, that the Olympics is a brand, and be certain to follow the brand guidelines.

5. Create a Mysterious Listicle

Listverse is an example of how to succeed with listicles.

Listverse is an example of how to succeed with listicles.

In June, try publishing a listicle with a bit of mystery. You’ll be taking a page, if you will, out of the Listverse playbook.

Listverse is one of the Internet’s leading listicle sites, publishing captivating list after captivating list. The company also has an extensive author’s guide PDF, describing in detail just what sort of lists work best.

“Mystery lists are the most popular,” the Listverse author’s guide reports. “Unsolved mysteries about man, the universe, monsters, UFOs, aliens, demons, ghosts, witches, etc.”

The challenge will be finding unique interesting material for your list and connecting it to your business.

Armando Roggio
Armando Roggio
