Design & Development
The nuts and bolts of an ecommerce site are design and development. We address design innovation and trends — including layouts, colors, photography, logos, video, and more. We explain the basics of code — HTML, CSS, JavaScript — as well as platforms, themes, plugins, open source, and related topics.
Code | Design & Dev Tools | Platforms & Apps | Schools & Resources | Typography & Fonts | User Experience-
Design & Development
Web Analytics: Translating the Wall of Data
April 1, 2006 • Kerry Murdock
Assume an ecommerce operator launches a paid-search advertising campaign. That is, assume the operator purchases several keywords on Yahoo! Search, Google, MSN and others, and then assembles text ads on those search engines to attract visitors to his site. Assume that the campaign start...
Design & Development
Accepting ACH Payments and eChecks
April 1, 2006 • PEC Staff
A consumer must have a credit card to purchase products from an ecommerce site, right? Not necessarily. There are payment-processing options that allow ecommerce operators to deduct the purchase price directly from the bank account of a customer, without the customer having or providin...
Design & Development
Tech Support – April 2006
April 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
What’s a page rank and how does it work? PageRank is Google’s system to rank the relative popularity of a website. Developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google’s founders, the PageRank system uses the Internet’s vast linking structure to measure an individual web page. A link from o...
Platforms & Apps
Shopping Carts: Features to Consider
April 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
A shopping cart system should be able to accommodate a business’ needs, rather than requiring the business to adjust goals and strategies to match the capabilities of the shopping cart. We've put together a template of sorts that you can use to help decide on a shopping cart system base...
Design & Development
Analytics Software Improves Paid Search Campaigns
March 1, 2006 • Kerry Murdock
John Marshall wants to know what happens after the click. Marshall is CEO and founder of Click Tracks, a company that provides software to analyze the online behavior of website visitors. “It’s not enough to purchase keywords on a search engine merely to attract visitors to a website,” ...
Design & Development
Fulfillment Companies Offer Benefits
February 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
Imagine having a state-of-the-art fulfillment department. This fulfillment department would have the most up-to-date order management software, computer hardware and warehousing functions. The employees of the fulfillment department would be experienced and professionally trained. Shipm...
Design & Development
Macromedia Exec Sees “Dreamy” Future
February 1, 2006 • Michael A. Cox
It is generally agreed among non-programmers that Macromedia Dreamweaver and Macromedia Flash, more than almost any other software products, brought the production of quality, functional websites within reach of non-programmers and changed the way the Internet looked, felt, and sounded....
Optimizing HTML Code for Maximum SEO
February 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
Overview Search engine optimization has come to the forefront in recent years as competition for search engine rankings increases. Online business owners often times rely heavily on search engines to generate traffic to their websites, which in turn increases the chances of those visit...
Combining CSS and JavaScript to Save Page Space
February 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
Overview Real estate on a website has become a valuable commodity. Website owners and designers are faced with the challenge of providing enough content to satisfy their visitors, while also maintaining the visual appeal and usability of the website. On one end of the spectrum is a web...
HTML Email: Effectiveness Requires Planning
January 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
Email can be an essential tool for every online retailer. Professional-looking emails instill confidence, build brand awareness, and increase customer loyalty. Retailers can send email communications using HTML that are as visually engaging and effective. There are a couple of points, h...
An Introduction to CSS: Part 3
January 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
In this tutorial, we will introduce the idea of using CSS to format a web page by using ID selectors. By using techniques from our previous tutorials, we will create an entire page formatted with only CSS.
Encoding Images Using HTML
January 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
Overview One of the most basic HTML elements is the image tag, which is used to tell a browser to display an image on a webpage. While it is a simple tag to learn, the image tag has quite a few attributes that are important to be aware of. For example, using these attributes we can tel...
Platforms & Apps
osCommerce Founder: Open Source Encourages Collaboration
January 1, 2006 • Brian Getting
Harald Ponce de Leon had an idea to create an online shopping cart system that would serve as a guide to other ecommerce developers. That was in 2000. In order to attract interest, he released his cart, then called the Exchange Project, under a free, open-source license. Nearly six year...
An Introduction to CSS: Part 2
December 1, 2005 • Brian Getting
In "Part 1" of this CSS tutorial, we learned how to apply CSS styles to HTML tags using tag selectors. Using these tag selectors we could format information using an external style sheet rather than putting all the formatting code into the HTML.
Design & Development
Optimizing Your Product Images
December 1, 2005 • Brian Getting
Overview Product presentation is more important for an online store than it is for a brick-and-mortar store. Rather than being able to touch an item, inspect it for quality, or try it on as the case may be, an online shopper has only two-dimensional images on which to base their decisi...
Design & Development
Introduction to XML: Creating a Google Sitemap
December 1, 2005 • Brian Getting
Overview Last month, we featured a basic introduction of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and how to begin writing your own XML documents. While we were able to create an XML document to describe data, it may not be clear why this is useful. In an effort to utilize what we learned ...
An Introduction to CSS: Part 1
November 1, 2005 • Brian Getting
Cascading Style Sheets allow designers to create HTML that is structured in a search-engine-friendly way and appealing to users.
An Introduction to XML
November 1, 2005 • Brian Getting
Extensible Markup Language — XML — is a system of tags that identify discreet units of information for processing. XML was created to allow documents to be used on the web.
Platforms & Apps
Stephanie Leffler, CEO of MonsterCommerce
November 1, 2005 • Michael A. Cox
Stephanie Leffler says anybody who thinks a successful ecommerce business is about putting up a website in five minutes and counting the money in their pajamas is in for a rude awakening. To her, ecommerce is a real business that requires every bit the investment of time, energy and mon...
Design & Dev Tools
Hosting Companies: Top 10 Questions to Ask
October 1, 2005 • Pamela Hazelton
I field many phone calls in any given day. And never does a day pass where I don’t get a call about someone having trouble with their host. Sometimes I have to bite my tongue, and many would be shocked at some of the stories I’ve heard. I think it’s time to just start referring people ...
Design & Development
Understanding Common Web Error Messages
October 1, 2005 • PEC Staff
Over the years in the interactive marketing business, any consultant worth his or her salt has faced the dilemma of assisting a company whose primary issue is that its “Web site broke.” No more information than that. “It broke.” Many a parent can identify with this description as it p...
Design & Development
Securing an SSL Certificate
October 1, 2005 • PEC Staff
Overview How do you know that I am who I say I am? Likewise, how do I know you are who you say you are? And, if we can’t catapult past this initial, basic level of trust – how will we ever be able to conduct business together? In the Web world, it’s done with an SSL certificate. SSL ...
Platforms & Apps
Blog Platforms: Choose One that Fits Your Need
October 1, 2005 • Paul Chaney
You have bitten the bullet and decided to add a blog to your ecommerce site and make it a part of your marketing mix. You made the strategic decision of why you want to blog, determined what your core message will be and the audience you wish to target. Now, you have to make some tactic...
Design & Development
Web Graphics: Why Are We So Limited?
September 1, 2005 • PEC Staff
As a Web designer and developer, I have worked with graphics in a variety of formats. Anybody who uses Adobe Photoshop – the standard for design production in the interactive business – has learned his or her way around JPG, GIF, TIF, EPS, PSD, PCX and BMP files. Those types of files s...
Platforms & Apps
How To Choose A Shopping Cart
September 1, 2005 • Michael A. Cox
Mark Baartse has identified 137 different shopping carts. Baartse tries to identify which are the best for the myriad applications required in the ecommerce industry.
Design & Dev Tools
Preventative Maintenance
July 1, 2005 • Pamela Hazelton
I spend just as much time troubleshooting Miva Merchant issues as I do customizing storefronts. I've found that no matter how much you foolproof something, someone out there can, and will, find a way to break its functionality. Fortunately, users of Miva Merchant often need only follow ...
Platforms & Apps
How Does Shopping Cart Software Work?
January 15, 2004 • Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Just what is a shopping cart? It's a term that has come to mean either an online ordering system (separate from your regular website). Usually these supply HTML code for "order buttons" that you can paste into pages on your regular website.
HTML E-Mail: Text Font Readability Study
March 1, 2001 • Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
In February 2001 my Doctor Ebiz readers patiently answered survey after survey to help me determine what they considered the most readable fonts and sizes for HTML e-mail. While this may come as no surprise to you, it is causing me to change my standards.
Design & Development
Setting Newsletter Ad Rates
March 15, 2000 • Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
"How much should I charge for ads in my e-mail newsletter, especially a narrowly-targeted newsletter where it's pretty obvious who the interested advertisers would be." -- Charlie Darling